Wednesday, March 3, 2010

things are a-brewin....

Blogger Peeps,

Things are brewing at JP1 Central. BIG THINGS. HUGE THINGS. GREAT THINGS!

I am so blessed by God and feel so unworthy at times.

I finally had a heart to heart talk with myself and gave up a dream of mine and forced my self to move on from it. What comes with that is the ability to make other goals/dreams come true.

Who'd a thunk that perfection isn't a requirement to get into God's Grace.

I decided to take an emotional inventory of what is important to me and let the rest of it all go.
It was quite cathartic.

I will be here only sporadically from today until April 18th. :) I will be either in the gym or riding Star for the next 7 weeks.. tick tick tick....


Sir Darby said...

Have a wonderful time

Paige said...

well I need to know what the hell is going on with you--you know I do not have time to worry about something else, so fess up and let me get my rest

Mrs. Mom said...

LOL I'm with Paige! ;)

But either way, RIDE GIRL, RIDE!!!!!

Loves ya dearly!

Unknown said...

This is very true - something all people should learn in their lives, never easy but sometimes for the better.

Desert Rose said...

Happy Trails!!!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

We want to know more!

Don't keep us hanging, girlfriend!


j said...

Lot's of excitement brewing here! I'm glad to hear that tone in your writing!