Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I cowgirl'd up and bit the bullet

This will be my new pony limo!

If all falls into place and the planets align and by the Grace of Jesus...

Saturday I will be new proud owner.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaance


Fantastyk Voyager said...

That is Super nice! two horse, three, four?

JJ said...

YAY! It's a lovely trailer, consider me jealous! :)

strivingforsavvy said...

Good for you. That is really exciting! There's no stopping you now!

Linda said...


Reddunappy said...

I need to try to trade and downsize mine! I have a four horse slant bummer pull, I would love a two horse slant, hmmm maybe I should try Craigslist?

mrscravitz said...

Awesome! I like those trailers.

Rising Rainbow said...

Oh, I'm jealous. I could really use a new trailer.

The Wife said...

Congrats! The Princess Pony has to have a sweet ride!

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeeeeeeeet ride sista! Love it!!! Sending you good thoughts!

Desert Rose said...

Way to cowgirlthef%$&*up!!! I't beautiful!!!