Friday, April 30, 2010

How do I love thee? Let me kissy face your nose.

This was after a great ride of Star being out in front and such a good girl for 8 miles.
Bitless to boot! Yeah, you heard right bitless from Start to Finish.

Man , I sure love my pony.
She is more than I could have asked for.


Mrs. Mom said...

Awww! GO STAR!!!!

Kristina P. said...

I want a pony.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Cute photo and good pony

Heather said...


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Awwww, that's just awesome!

And I adore that photo! Who took it? Or was the camera on a timer?
Love it!

Sounds like Star is telling you she prefers the trails over being cooped up in the arena, eh?


JJ said...

Yay! It sounds like she was a very good girl :)