Friday, November 20, 2009

Need to learn to sit on my hands......

SP and I went to an Estate Auction last night, We were invited by JP2 as she knows the owner of the auction house.
I have never been a bidder at an auction just an observer.
Let me tell you I was giddy :) I also got schooled by SP on how to be a cool as cucumber bidder.. Next time I'll keep my excitement on the DL.
I bought these because I liked them, I knew they were valuable and that I could successfully SELL THEM.

Meito NORLEANS in Rosanne pattern.
$ 5.00 for the lot.
I will be posting these on eBay ASAP.

I have an insider in the biz. My Aunt is an appraiser and used to own an Antique Mall.
I wanted this Mahogany table, so I sent her the auction web link and she picked the same table !
This is not for sale :)

This is by her estimation early 1885 ish,
and I scored it for $65.00.
I love anything Art Deco and French-y. So don't think this chair wasn't on my radar for my Yellow french-y guest room. :)
I looked it over and found evidence that this fabric is the original and the frame was in excellent condition. It is more gold than Yellow but looks super fabulous in the room.

$ 55.00
Yeah me
So I called my Aunt this morning and told her of my winnings and she said that I did a most excellent job. She also agreed I need to keep my enthusiasm to myself when bidding.
SP didn't get the things he wanted, but there is always next time.
I am so thankful that SP likes Antiques as much as I do and we both like the the same era and have good eye about what we like and what we could sell.

After the Chair, SP took away my bidder card. :(


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Fancy Schmancy. Looks like you had some fun and didn't spend too much in the process.


Rose of Sharon said...

Good job girl!!! I love everything!

:0) Sharon

The Wife said...

Cool! I'm always scared to scratch my nose at the cattle auction. I just know they will think I'm bidding!