Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's that time!!!

OK Blogger Peeps !!!!

It's time for another contest/giveaway.

I am going to post a picture tonight and this is going to be a caption contest.

The lucky wiener. errr......... I mean winner will receive something hand made by yours truly.

Maybe cupcakes( if local), maybe truffles and maybe something that sparkles and screams bling, Maybe a bit of both. Depends on who wins actually....

So.................. Stay tuned for tonight's picture.........


20 meter circle of life said...

I sooo knew you were a tease

Jocelyn said...

tease? you betcha!

How do you think I scored such a cool husband?

Mrs. Mom said...


And dammit, I probably won't have the fricken time to come back to play.

Ah well! Not like I *NEED* cupcakes anyways! ;)

Jocelyn said...

MRs Mom, what do you mean?

The Contest winner will be picked Sunday Night.
You have loads of time.

The Wife said...

Oh, I'm so excited! Almost had a tootalates moment!!