Friday, October 2, 2009

Doing something out of my comfort zone...

I got invited at the VERY last minute to go on a road trip to a wedding with a friend of mine. HOURS AWAY, wont be home until Sunday.

As anyone in my world knows, this doesn't happen.. EVER. I am a planner, scheduler, list maker, tight on the details kind of girl. Ask the BBFF and JP2, I am OCD about traveling and pretty much everything else.

running home tonight last minute packing a bag, picking out an outfit for a casual wedding, going out dancing outfits, grabbing cash , makeup, blow dryer etc, rearranging my weekend schedule, sends me into what is nothing short of a TIZZY.

I can only imagine what I might forget and have a melt down over. So, from now until 4:30 pm, I will be inking out what is known as the JP TO DO LIST.

Wish me Luck... :)

Pictures will cometh...


Kristina P. said...

Good for you! And good luck.

Rose of Sharon said...

Have fun! I loved it that you came to Mackenzie's wedding! It meant a lot to me and it was so great that Michelle came with you! I hope you have a great time!

Love, Sharon

wilsonc said...

Hope you have a wonderful time. I need to do something like this. I feel like I'm in a rut.

Fantastyk Voyager said...

Those are best best kinds of trips! Have lots of fun.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

You did it! Flying by the seat of your pants...and you survived! Good for you!
