Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday Tip of the Day... on Thursday

Come to my going away party!!!

August 21st at 4:30 pm.

Bring a side dish if you like, BYOB and lots of tears so bring a hankie...

Please no blackmail photos of me in varying states of drunkeness, nakedness or injured.



be there or break my heart.... :)


AKPonyGirl said...

Drop me a line when you get to Alaska. Could be that there are some things I can help with.

gtyyup said...

No...I refuse to participate until you get out here and spend at least a weekend with us!! Oh yea...Pendleton...what about Pendleton?!??????

OK, I realize that you've got to go...but it's mighty sad.

Honestly, I wish you the very best and hope to hook up with you again. I also expect pics and stories from up north!!

JJ said...

Well, I hope you have an awesome going away party! Please keep us posted on the move and all that goes with it!! The best of luck to you :).

j said...

Best of luck with the move. Sounds like your life is pretty interesting these days.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh man! I wish I could! I miss you already...and I've never even met you in person!

I hope you get a guest room where you move to. I'lll be sure to make plans to come visit you!
