Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am ALIVE!!!

Hi Everyone !
I am alive and kicking.
Shawn and I have made it safely up the Al CAN Highway, rented a house across the lake from the Palin's and trying to stay sane in the constant darkness.

I have some pictures and more updates coming soon!

I have missed all my blogger Peeps!


Fantastyk Voyager said...

Good hearing from you. Hope all is well.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I have missed you, too! Thanks for stopping by my blog to let me know you're 'back'. I was visiting AK Pony girl's blog yesterday and couldn't stop thinking of you. Maybe you felt my vibes?


Desert Rose said...

Hay Cowgirl!
glad you are getting settled...if you get any dirt I am a democarat...just kidding...about the dirt! I will be thinking of you in the cold as I ride in the warm desert...be safe, stay warm!

Reddunappy said...

Great to have you back!!! Cant wait to read your new adventures!!

Mrs. Mom said...

Happy Thanksgiving JP and Shawn!! Miss you too girl. Now shy clear of the grizzlies up there, 'k?

Kathi said...

I'm glad you are safe Jocelyn. Happy Thanksgiving. Kathi

JJ said...

It's good to hear that you and your family are doing well and that you made it! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving waaaayyy up there in all that dark ;)

wilsonc said...

Looked at the photos you took of your trip up the AL-CAN...beautiful

What are the temps like up there at the moment?

Kristina P. said...

Glad to see you're alive!

The Wife said...

Such an adventure! Can't wait to see pictures! Happy Thanksgiving!

Ms Martyr said...

Can you see Russia from your back yard?

December 21 is winter solstice so it's less than a month until the days start getting longer again.

Blossom said...

Wow your life is so exciting!!! :) Seaworld, alaska... yessh. Trade you! hahaha. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Mom, we don't call them Grizzlies up there. They're Kodiaks if they're on Kodiak. Or they're Browns if they're anywhere else. Grizzlies are for you lower 49-ers! LOL!

Enjoy the home state of my heart!