So I had some time to kill yesterday afternoon at work..
I decided to hit the " next blog " button at the top of the blog page.
It now scrolls through blogs about horses, weird this must be new. I used to get lots of other than English language blogs, Techno blogs, freakishly millions of baby and how to be Martha blogs, etc..
Well, I happened upon a random horse blog and something strange came over me...
Am I looking at my own page? Weird.. Yet no that's not me and that's not Star!
It was almost an exact replica of mine.... I mean the banner, the wording, the set up and the layout. **** shudder****
I thought, Oh gosh could I have copied someone and didn't realize it? So I look to see when it was created, uh.. it's only a few months old. That means they are copying ME!
So, to that person you know who you are because you obviously come here to read my blog.
I'm flattered but totally creeped out so could you please go copy someone else?
Thanks Much,
Raisin Buns
5 hours ago
DUDE.... JP... that is just.... duuuude....
I'll have to try that. Used to click it, until all the HowToBeMartha/prono/cooking/child/crap stuff showed up...
Time to copyright my stuff huh?? Did you CR yours yet?
how do you do that???
Wow, what a creepyn thing! Did you leave a comment for her?
gosh no... It's a free country I think..
It's flattering in a weird creepy sort of way.
As long as it doesn't become all Single White female!
It may be a free country, but is she using your pics and everything??? I'd be tempted to report's totally creepy! Too many wackos in this day and age.
no not my pics, just my ideas and lay out.
Well they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
But, that's just creepy when it comes to imitating a blog. A blog just seems like such a personal reflection...why would anyone want their blog to be exactly like someone else's?
well that is odd.
cant be as swell as you though
Ok So Im going to leave the single white female a comment today. We shall see what happens.
very creepy. sad she doesn't have enough creative juices to think of her own. maybe she thinks you are the best!
Hmmmmm....kind a weird....But, copying is the best form of flattery...I guess! :0)
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