Monday, March 28, 2011

Alaska and more of her redeeming qualities.

My step son came for a few days , so we got to play tour guide. So first stop was Alyeska Resort. While the boys went on the tram I sat in the bar.
This drinkie was called the Muscle Relaxer.. Yep, it does what it says.Mommy likey very much!!
Then off to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Park. Alaska version of Oregon's Wildlife Safari, but without all the cool stuff like Lions and Giraffes. Seen one buffalo seen them all. You, Mr. Bison should be on my plate in between buns and ketchup.
Saw some elk, cheeky devils and quite aloof, Look at me and awe but that's close enough or I'll scream.
Can't you totally see it in her face?? 
Caribou.. Seen Sarah Palin cap one, you seen them all too. However, this little beauty would look fab as a hide on my sofa.
OH EM GEE. Can you stand the utter cuteness of this porcupine? My normal saying of " I just wanna kiss him" Does not apply here.
Now here's a handsome face only a Mother could love.
He must have smelled the leftover pony treats in my coat pocket. Strict rules of no petting and no feeding.
Kidding me right? Does this 1800 pound animal look or act like hes never been given a yummy in his whole life?
Yeah no.... But I am a rule follower, he didn't get those treats. But we are totally bffs now.
This is not a Pot Belly Pig, this is a baby Musk OX. I could hardly tell the difference at 10 paces
A big brown bear.. Who had some sort of femur type bone in his mouth, We speculated it was the last bear feeder or a guest who had horse treats in her pocket. This is as close as I got just to make sure.
Once again OH EM GEE " I just wanna kiss her" Doesn't apply to these super cute Kodiak Cubs. Do you see her claws? However she is just over the top adorable.
Last stop , a little town called Whittier. Isn't it gorgeous? Not much to it as its a summer time fishing MECCA. We will definitely be back here come salmon run time.

 Thanks for coming along on our little adventure! Alaska does have her qualities that's for sure!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where have I been?? Grab a Kleenex.

I know I deserve a flogging for leaving the blog unattended for so long.
I apologize.
No excuse really.

This is a picture of my two boys, Lucas and Logen.
They are on top of my former Mother in Law Sylvia. This picture derives so many emotions for me, its almost too much.
You see, Sylvia is being ravaged by the cruel disease of Alzheimer's. She is in the latter stages and its heartbreaking. She would have been so proud to watch the boys grow up to see who they have become and will be. She was such fun and loved these boys with every fiber of her being.

Can you stand the cuteness? I always dressed them so cute. I sure miss that and I miss being their Momma at this age.
This is what all the crying has been about lately. My youngest child is now a US Marine.
We went to San Diego for his graduation last weekend and it was overwhelming and awesome at the same time.
I couldn't be prouder and yet I still feel empty.

Its a new leash on life I have been given and yet I wasn't ready to give up the old one.
Logen wasn't the easiest child to raise. Shall we say " Mommas boy" ?
So I go through baby pictures , cry and reminisce of how fast time flies and what I may have missed along the journey.
So as my youngest leaves the proverbial nest I ponder , what Gods plans are for me and my future. He has figured out his and now Mom has to make a new life for herself! Amazing what happens when the babies leave the nest isn't it? Cruel and joyous seem appropriate really.
So, I am going to grab another Kleenex and go through another pile of pictures and then maybe plan a life for myself in between.
Hugs and Love to all my Blogger Peeps.